Available Positions

(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Grant Writer to assist in researching and writing grant requests for the organization. Experience as a Grant Writer is required. Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply. Please include a copy of your resume.

(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Fundraising Coordinator to oversee Fundraising for CCO. You will take point on North TX Giving Day and additional fundraising opportunities for the organization. Experience is fundraising is required for this position.Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply. Please include a copy of your resume.

Social Media Manager
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Social Media Manager to assist with all social accounts, campaigns, and advertisements for events and recruitment. Experience with social platforms is required, along with experience in either Adobe Suite or alternative media software.
Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply. Please include a copy of your resume.

Office Admin
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking an office admin to help with clerical and daily operations. Office experience is required, however we are open to training the right individual. Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply.
Please include a copy of your resume.

Public Outreach - Events Coordinator
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Public Outreach Coordinator to help implement a program to engage the community and develop opportunities for the CCO to be involved with other organizations and businesses in Coppell. Experience with Outreach & PR is required.
Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply.
Please include a copy of your resume.

CCO Photographer
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Photographer for events, concerts, and seasonal opportunity to create a visual archive for the orchestra. Experience in photography & photography software is required. Work can be used for your portfolio. There is also opportunity for a videographer and Audio Producer.
Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply.
Please include a copy of your resume.

Compliance Officer
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a Compliance officer to work with our board and ensure compliance rules are followed for both CCO and City Of Coppell. Experience as a Compliance Officer or office admin is required.
Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply.
Please include a copy of your resume.

Web Master
(Volunteer Position)
Coppell Community Orchestra is seeking a webmaster to assist with our website and app development. Experience with Wix, Web Design, and Graphic Design is required.
Email board@coppellorchestra.org to apply.
Please include a copy of your resume.
Apply Today
Email board@coppellorchestra.org for more info or questions.